Archive for July, 2010

Using Drupal Book Chapter 3

July 28, 2010

turnkey lamp 20100709 2140 db

Learning Drupal Panels 3

July 15, 2010

yadadrop – panels Drupal Videos and Tutorials

Drupal Panels videos, tutorials, and screencasts. The world’s largest collection of Drupal Panels Tutorials.

Panels 3 Overview – Omar Bickell – DrupalCamp Montreal 2009

Panels 3 is an amazingly powerful tool for building websites. So much so, in fact, that I wonder if I’ll ever do another website without it. From creating complex layouts for viewing or editing content, to determining contexts and passing parameters around without any snippets, Panels has something for both beginners and experts alike.

Lullabot – Drupal Voices 116: Sam Boyer on the Panels module

Sam Boyer (aka sdboyer) talks about the state of the Panels 3 module, which is described as a “drag-and-drop content manager and layout tool which can be used build complex Drupal sites without any custom code.” He talks about how people usually use Panels, some of the new features, as well as looking forward to some of the talk about the future context for Drupal 8.

Context Module

Context allows you to manage contextual conditions and reactions for different portions of your site. You can think of each context as representing a “section” of your site. For each context, you can choose the conditions that trigger this context to be active and choose different aspects of Drupal that should react to this active context. Think of conditions as a set of rules that are checked during page load to see what context is active. Any reactions that are associated with active contexts are then fired.

Assembling Pages with Drupal

Blocks vs. Context vs. Panels
Article by David Burns
July 17, 2010 – 1:00am

Drupal – Show album with editable tracks

July 14, 2010

DrupalEasy dot com – Using Views Relationships, Arguments, and Attachments

The goal of this article is to be able to create a page that displays a single band node along with all of its albums and events.

MustartSeedMedia dot com – CCK, Views, Node Reference URL, and Views Attach

On this new episode of the Mustardseed video podcast, Bob talks about why a modular approach using Node References is the future of Drupal. He puts together CCK, Views, Node Reference URL, and Views Attach to give you an idea of how powerful this solution can be.

Exploring the Drupal Database

July 12, 2010

Home » Forums » Support » Module development » Drupal Architecture Diagram?

DBDesigner 4

DBDesigner 4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creation and maintenance into a single, seamless environment. It combines professional features and a clear and simple user interface to offer the most efficient way to handle your databases. DBDesigner 4 compares to products like Oracle’s Designer©, IBM’s Rational Rose©, Computer Associates’s ERwin© and theKompany’s DataArchitect© but is an Open Source Project available for Microsoft Windows© 2k/XP and Linux KDE/Gnome. It is release on the GPL.

Drupal Modules to Check Out

July 12, 2010

Sheetnode Module

Sheetnode integrates the JavaScript spreadsheet engine SocialCalc as a new node type in Drupal. SocialCalc was written by Dan Bricklin, co-author of the original VisiCalc spreadsheet app in 1979, and is used in the OLPC XO laptop and the SocialText Collaboration Platform.

infojunkie – thereisamoduleforthat – generic-filter-system-commands

For the information geek, we need a generic filter that sends the text fragment to any pre-defined system command, and sets the rendered HTML output as the output of the command. Graphviz Filter is a special case of such a filter, but we really need a generic system. I’m thinking: gnuplot, LilyPond, LaTeX, etc. All housed under one roof.

Drupal backup module

This module creates a tarball that consists of your Drupal database and all files under DOCUMENT_ROOT, which can then be downloaded through your browser. It is useful for performing backups of entire Drupal-powered websites.

Em Space’s top Drupal 6 modules

(that aren’t always in the limelight)

Drupal for Music Collection

July 11, 2010


Much Simpler

Much Simpler

Docs on using CCK node reference module

theDrupalBlog – parent child with CCK node reference module

InfoJunkie – Translating Entity-Relationship modeling to Drupal

In Drupal, CCK content types correspond to entities, while relations can be specified through a number of ways, including CCK node references and Relativity module’s parent-child relationship system.

Serial Field Module

This module provides an auto increment (serial) CCK field. Unlike Drupal built in auto increment node id, which is global and shared by nodes of all types – serial fields are managed per node type. For example, a serial field of an Invoice node type will generate a unique sequential number (starting at 1, then 2, etc.) dedicated for Invoice nodes. Allocation of serial numbers by this module is atomic, which means that serial values are unique even when multiple nodes are created simultaneously.

Node Reference Views Select Module

Provides a widget for Node Reference which displays the node teasers instead of a select box, and allows choosing the referenced nodes
from a Modal panel. The list is optionally sortable, depending on JQuery UI Sortables. The modal supports pagination, exposed filters
and exposed sorting, all using AJAX.

Hierarchical Select

This module defines the “hierarchical_select” form element, which is a greatly enhanced way for letting the user select items in a hierarchy. Hierarchical Select has the ability to save the entire lineage of a selection or only the “deepest” selection. You can configure it to force the user to make a selection as deep as possible in the tree, or allow the user to select an item anywhere in the tree. Levels can be labeled, you can configure limit the number of items that can be selected, configure a title for the dropbox, choose a site-wide animation delay, and so on. You can even create new items and levels through Hierarchical Select!

Hierarchical Select Node Module

This module allows the use of Hierarchical Select form element as a widget for CCK node reference field, both in node add/edit form and in views filter.

Node Relativity Module

The module allows parent-child relationships between nodes to be established, managed and searched. You can restrict the types of nodes that can be parented and the ordinality of parents. These are used to contextually create links to add new child nodes or attach existing ones. There is also a navigation block that uses a node’s ancestry to list out breadcrumb-style links.

Removing/renaming the standard fields from a node. (title, body etc)

VM – August 12, 2009 – 15:00

administer -> content types
edit the content type
expand submission form menu

remove the body label (this removes the body field)

title field. Every node requires a title. you have two options here.
use the title field to capture any of the text fields you are using


use the auto_nodetitle.module and have it auto generate a title and hide the title field.

Turnkey LAMP appliance with Drupal 6 installed

July 8, 2010


Exporting a database with PHPMyAdmin – drupal dot org

Turnkey Linux Lamp VM

Set root password

# passwd

Add User Craig and set password

# useradd -m craig

# passwd craig

Sudo for User Craig

# visudo # uncomment the last line to enable group sudo

# usermod -a -G sudo craig # add user craig to secondary group sudo

Private Key SSH from desktop dev box

$ ssh-copy-id craig@

Backup VM

F:\Linux downloads\Turnkey Lamp\VM archive\turnkey lamp 20100709 1415 user craig sudo


Login to phpMyAdmin as root, no password

phpMyAdmin on Turnkey Lamp

Set a password

Create database and user using PHPMyAdmin

user: craigdb
password: bananadb

create database: craig_drupal  collation: utf8_general_ci

Backup VM

F:\Linux downloads\Turnkey Lamp\VM archive\turnkey lamp 20100709 2140 db


$ sudo apt-get install php5-cli

$ wget

Unpack the drush tarball in home folder.  Create an alias to ~/drush/drush

Drupal 6

Apache 2 on Ubuntu

mkdir /var/www/drupal

# a2enmod rewrite
# /etc/init.d/apache2 force-reload

# wget

Unpack to /var/www/, then rename to /var/www/drupal

# chown -hR root:root drupal

# mkdir files
# chmod 777 files

# cp default.settings.php settings.php
# chmod 666 settings.php

Drupal Site

administrator account: drupaladmin
administrator password: password

root@lamp:/var/www/drupal/sites/default# chmod 644 settings.php

Backup VM

F:\Linux downloads\Turnkey Lamp\VM archive\turnkey lamp 20100710 1330 drupal

Setup Crontab

Add line to /etc/crontab

0 * * * * root wget -O – -q -t 1 http://localhost/cron.php

Added Some Drupal Modules


Backup VM

F:\Linux downloads\Turnkey Lamp\VM archive\turnkey lamp 20100711 1730 add drupal