Archive for June, 2010

Interesting People

June 5, 2010

Aaron Snowberger’s Home Abroad

I’m an English teacher in Korea. I live in Jeonju and teach middle school students subjects like debate, presentation, current issues, and TOEFL writing and speaking.  One of my passions that I’ve not yet been able to teach is drama, but I’ve made a number of videos and acted in skits for my church in Jeonju.  I’ve been here for almost 3 years, and will sign a new year contract soon.

I’ve been Webmaster for a number of different Christian organization websites since 2002.  I developed a site for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) at the University of Wyoming in the US from 2002-2005 using FrontPage.  I created and played around with a number of different software and blogging sites (, GooglePages, iWeb, WordPress, Nvu, and a text editor) for the next few years.  And from early 2008 to the present, I’ve been Webmaster for Antioch International Christian Fellowship (a church in Jeonju).  Recently, I’ve been designing pages on using Photoshop, and the GIMP, and programming them “by hand” in CSS and XHTML.